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Make Your Brand More Popular Than Dangote's

In a world where so many innovations and creations are going on, one who is interested in launching out as an entrepreneur and maintaining prominence must not only be aware of these essentials but must consciously and deliberately cultivate them to succeed.

Find Your  Niche.

There are countless problems to be solved,(health, energy, auto mobile, security, food supply, services, transportation, home appliances etc) to be effective, you must choose one at a time. Choose a cause that aligns with your passion, tackle a problem through a product you  believe in only then can you progress with tenacity and passion, two traits you'll need to make an impact.

Be Focused.

Most people found a niche but what they lacked was focus very few (or no problems) can be solved without focus. Once You have picked a lane remain focused don't get distracted by every other project that seems to be doing well. And don't forget  focus is one of the most prized entrepreneurial skills.

Use the  Skills You Have.

While it's always important to learn new skills, successful entrepreneurs are self-aware and know what they're good at – and what they're not so good at. Always be open to delegate as your team expands. If you're good at ideation or strategy, over time, you'll learn to stay in your lane and encourage your team to be the best in theirs.

Build Your Resilience.
Grow a thick skin, don't be ever ready to throw in the trowel at the smallest hint of trouble and run. You can always withdraw and re-assess the situation and bring up a productive situations.

Be Tenacious.
Resilience is important, every great entrepreneur must have a tendency to take on the Bulldog approach to his business.

Don't stop Striving: 
The dawn will not come for everyone in a blink of an eye, but don't stop Striving and injecting new ideas into your project.

(We Value your opinion)So what other things must you do to project your brand? 

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