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Don't Quit Yet, Here is How To Boost Your Productivity!

No matter how dedicated you are to what you do, in the end what matters most is the results you can achieve in your endeavors.Consider these "how tos" to boost your productivity.
1.Schedule Your Activities The Previous Night

This involves Prioritizing your tasks as well as drawing out a timetable. This will help you maintain your focus in case of distractions which are always almost unavoidable. 

2. It Is Okay To Take Breaks

10 to 15 minutes break intervals can help relieve mental fatigue and aid mental focus.

3. Minimise Multi-Tasking

Research has shown that quality output can be distorted by multi-tasking. Focus on one task at a time, complete it properly and move on to the next project.

4. Do Away With Distractions

Deliberately cut down on personal distractions like chats, gossips and mobile phones. You can always turn the T.V off.

5. Have Deadlines

Deadlines can create good pressure needed to accomplish tasks in good time.

6. Watch Your Food

Avoid over feeding or foods that have a tendency to make you feel weak or fatigued.

7. Have an organised Space

"A cluttered desk is a symptom of a cluttered mind." Avoid unnecessary garbage or disorderliness as this can unconsciously leave you feeling drained or distracted.
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