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Should We Be Alarmed At The Use of Drones In Mineral Survey?

Across industries, the potential for drones or unmanned aerial vehicles is starting to be realized. From military drones to children’s toys, drones are making a big impact. The mining industry is no different, and drones are already being used throughout the world for maintenance and exploration activities.
Companies are turning to drones for a number of reasons, such as improved safety, increased efficiency and cost savings. This has become particularly attractive in recent years, as depressed commodity prices have forced companies to search for ways to increase productivity.

BHP Billiton a world leader in the production of iron ore, metallurgical coal and copper for example is trialling drones fitted with military-grade cameras to provide real-time aerial footage and 3D maps of mining sites. 

BHP has now been using drones for three years, throughout various operations in its Australian mines, and has recently started trialing their use in mineral surveillance. So what makes them so ideal for the job of surveying?

Maintenance, monitoring and mapping
They are used to ensure areas are clear before a blast takes place and to track fumes post-blast and are also used to improve road safety on sites, by monitoring traffic, road conditions and hazards. 

Presently specially adapted drones are been tested to conduct mineral surveys.  Mineral surveillance drones can help build 3D maps of these mine sites, allowing companies to constantly monitor the mines’ progress and safety. They will also help to identify minerals for potential extraction by looking at mineral patterns.

These drone-based surveillance systems are being developed alongside supercomputers that will allow companies to analyse the site and make decisions at far greater speeds as surveyors will spend less time gathering data in the field and more time interpreting itimproving safety and boosting productivity.

There are lots of positive reasons for transferring to the use of drones within mining, but many are concerned about the effect they will have on employment. The mining industry has been employing fewer and fewer people for decades; in the US, mining jobs declined by 60% between 1980 and 2015. Automation has played a large role in this drop, as machines are increasingly capable of taking on tasks that were previously labour-intensive.

This is a trend that seems likely to continue, as IoT and automation continue to make jobs obsolete. Automated trucks are already becoming a common sight on mine sites, reducing the number of drivers required by mining companies.

While drones may reduce the need for traditional surveyors, should BHP’s trial prove successful, they are creating a range of new, well-paid roles. A drone pilot at a mine site can expect to make as much as A$200,000 a year, as much as an airline pilot. It is one of a number of specialised roles being created by technology that require greater training opportunities to allow the mining industry to continue to develop apace.

Drones look set to play an increasingly important role in mining operations around the world, increasing safety and productivity. Using them in mineral surveillance could save time and money, but a new generation of drone-capable surveyors must rise before it becomes commonplace.

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